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Business and Professional Women of the Triangle

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BPW/Triangle develops a powerful network of leaders to advocate, educate and cultivate connections.

Enjoy Membership With Value, Benefit And Friendship

Business and Professional Women of the Triangle (BPW/Triangle) is a non-profit, non-partisan, non-sectarian, self-governing, and member-supported organization. 

Join BPW today!

Renewal occurs once a year, on the date you joined. If you are looking to renew your membership, please click the link below.

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  1. Gain political and economic equity for women.
  2. Establish ties between working women around the nation.
  3. Develop personally and professionally.
  4. Become informed on working women’s concerns.
  5. Support women as business and community leaders.
  6. Promote the interests of workingwomen through any and all legal and ethical means.

To become a BPW/Triangle member and enjoy all of the benefits at discounted rates, please consider joining at a rate of $105 annually.  Your membership is for a full year from the date of your enrollment.


Our members are part of a national movement. As they work together to create the changes needed for equitable work environments and supportive communities, BPW/Triangle members make a difference in the lives of working women. They are proud to belong to a nationally recognized organization whose legacy of success opens doors to other leaders and respected opinion makers. Members have opportunities to meet and network with other working women at the local, state, and national levels. They exchange ideas, explore business opportunities, and share common goals. Members connect with mentors and sponsors, colleagues and friends who can assist them in advancing their careers and making the right connections. Networking occurs before and after BPW/Triangle events, and on our social media platforms.

Members have the opportunity to travel to other BPW events around the state/country to learn and network. They receive personal and professional development through participation in monthly programs, the BPW/NC annual conference, educational workshops, and other BPW-sponsored seminars. Through webinars, hands-on workshops, volunteer opportunities, and noted experts, members are given a vast array of opportunities to gain the skills they need to succeed. Whether you're looking to exchange ideas or build professional contacts, BPW/Triangle events have proven invaluable for many of our members.

Any member can gain leadership development through active participation as a committee chairperson or officer. Our leadership teams are hands-on volunteers who invest their time, ideas, resources, and experiences to lead our organization.

Our members maximize the career-boosting value of  BPW/Triangle by identifying volunteer opportunities that match their professional goals or strengthen their existing skills. They are recognized as leaders when they get involved in programs that benefit our community.

Venues for Advocacy for Issues of Concern to Women BPW is headquartered in the Washington, D.C. metro area for a reason: to provide members effective national representation on issues critical to workingwomen. Learn how to be a successful advocate and lobby your representatives at the annual Policy & Action Conference. Here BPW members work to keep the working woman’s agenda: equal pay, work-life balance, better child and elder care, strong social security pension programs, and workplace equity. 

Through BPW membership, you also have a powerful voice in small business issues, in corporations, and on Capitol Hill, and without doing all of the legwork yourself. BPW/NC is a member of the coalition NC Women United. This BPW state membership gives all Raleigh members a membership in NC Women United. Our members are encouraged to work with NC Women United in advancing women through public policy. In order to support successful workplaces and an empowered workforce, Business and Professional Women’s Foundation conducts research and shares knowledge and information. Our public resources provide insight to transform the workplace and inform the creation of best practices.

BPW Foundation also serves as a repository of resources for the betterment of workplaces and seeks to expand the information base. It encourages employers, organizations, agencies, and policymakers to submit research, best workplace practices, and real-life suggestions on how to transform today’s workplace. This information is available on the Rawalt Online Resource Center, a portal of information for and about workingwomen and their families. BPW has a proud tradition of “women helping women.” In 1956, BPW created the BPW Foundation to provide scholarships, research, information, and career development programs for working women. Since 1969, BPW Foundation has awarded almost $6 million in scholarships, research grants, and loans. Involvement in the Individual Development, Young Careerist, and Mentoring programs allows you to aid in the personal and professional development of women while raising awareness of issues affecting workingwomen. Supporting the BPW/NC Foundation page allows you to help other women upgrade their skills or return to the workplace while furthering workplace equity and work-life balance. 

Membership in BPW/Triangle brings many rewards, but the most lasting and meaningful are the lifelong friendships. Through participation in the many BPW activities and programs, members form supportive friendships as well as important business relationships.

There is nothing quite like the feeling you get in a room full of powerful women all focused and energized on current issues and a common cause. Whether it is laughing together, working together, or lobbying together, BPW/Triangle members know how to have fun and get the job done! 

Join BPW today!


Contact:      |      Mailing address: PO Box 1794, Cary, NC  27512

Business and Professional Women of the Triangle (BPW/Triangle) is a non-profit 501(c)(4) corporation.

Copyright 2025 Business and Professional Women of the Triangle. All rights reserved.

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