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Business and Professional Women of the Triangle

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BPW/Triangle develops a powerful network of leaders to advocate, educate and cultivate connections.

Scholarship Namesakes

Dr. Lois E. Frazier (1920-2017) chose a teaching career when she was in college and focused energy and interest in meeting that goal. Earning a bachelor’s degree in 1942 and an MS in 1948 from UNC Greensboro, Dr. Frazier earned an EdD in Business Education from the University of Indiana at Bloomington in 1961. She described her professors at Woman’s College, UNC-G’s earlier incarnation, as "outstanding; they were demanding; but they were genuinely concerned about our total education for careers and life."

Dr. Frazier joined BPW in Brevard in 1945 and later became a member of the Raleigh and Greensboro clubs. The niece of former NC Gov. Luther H. Hodges, leadership was in the family! Her service included a 2-year term (1956-1958) as President of the North Carolina Business and Professional Women’s Federation and a 1-year term (1965-1966) as President of Raleigh’s local club. She also served as treasurer of the National Federation for two years (1961-1962 and 1962-1963) and was an active participant on a number of committees. Dr. Frazier served as Head of the Department of Business and Economics Meredith College (1954-1985). She played a vital role in developing the MBA Program and served as Director from 1983-1991. She maintained a close relationship with UNC-G over the years, too. 

She served on the Alumni Advisory Board for the Bryan School of Business and Economics, and accepted a distinguished service award from the university in 1996. As Dr. Frazier recently shared with a writer for a UNC-G alumni magazine, most gratifying to Dr. Frazier is the lasting impact her former students have made. “Seeing students grow personally and academically from early enrollment at Meredith until graduation was a joy,” she shared. “One of my proudest accomplishments is learning that graduates of our programs are successful in their professions and provide outstanding leadership in their communities.”

Portions of Dr. Frazier’s biography was taken from an article written in the UNCG Magazine, Fall 2011. It was written by Michelle Hines, University Relations Writer for the University of North Carolina at Greensboro.

Mary Edith Fox was reared in Terre Haute, Indiana, where her father was a professor at Indiana State University of Terre Haute and where she earned her bachelor's degree in Business Administration in 1946. After a move to North Carolina and her four children (two girls and two boys) entered school, she successfully combined managing home and a career.

In 1964, she began her life insurance career; working for Metropolitan Life Insurance Company and Lincoln Life Insurance company before establishing her own business, Tax Deferred Services, in 1976. She was extremely helpful to educators, local government employees, and workers in nonprofit organizations in financial planning for retirement. Mary became a member of Raleigh BPW in 1968 and was active until her death in 2004. She served as president 1983-84. After her presidency, she volunteered wherever her assistance was needed. She often advised state federation committees on financial matters.

Mary E. Fox was an intelligent woman, a successful business person, a loyal club member, and a valued friend.

Contact:      |      Mailing address: PO Box 1794, Cary, NC  27512

Business and Professional Women of the Triangle (BPW/Triangle) is a non-profit 501(c)(4) corporation.

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